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LG 65-Inch Class OLED B4 Series Smart TV 4K Processor Flat Screen with Magic Remote AI-Powered with Alexa Built-in (OLED65B4PUA, 2024)

상품번호 B0CVS18Z6R
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상품가격 $1,196.99
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SELF-LIT PIXELS: LG\'s signature OLED technology creates an incredible watching experience and stellar picture quality illuminated with over 8 million self-lit pixels. Take in rich and accurate colors from the brightest to darkest parts of the scene thanks to 100% Color Volume* and with 100% Color Fidelity.DOLBY VISION, FILMMAKER AND DOLBY ATMOS: Experience the magic of the big screen right from your couch. Every LG OLED comes loaded with Dolby Vision for extraordinary color, contrast and brightness, plus Dolby Atmos* for sound you can feel all around you. Land in the center of the action with FILMMAKER MODE, allowing you to see films just as the director intended.a8 AI PROCESSOR: No more fiddling with picture settings. The α8 AI Processor 4K with AI Picture Pro identifies the type of content you\'re watching to automatically select the ideal setting and fine-tune the picture for the best watching experience and with Multi View with 2 screens lets you split your screen into two unique views so you can watch even more than before.WEBOS 24 & LG CHANNELS: No matter which TV you choose, your LG TV makes it easier than ever to find what you need and more. Browse all your favorite streaming apps and let LG Channels connects you to 300+ free channels of sports, fitness, cooking and more.GAMING: Packed with gaming features, the LG OLED B-Series comes with everything you need to win. Experience crisp, smooth imagery from a 0.1ms response time and native 120Hz refresh rate. All LG OLED TVs have NVIDIA G-Sync, AMD FreeSync Premium and VRR to further improve gaming quality. Four HDMI 2.1 inputs allow you to plug in all the devices you need. Whether you game on consoles or on the cloud,* the LG Game Dashboard and Game Optimizer put all the control at your fingertips.webOS RE:NEW PROGRAM: Enjoy new software updates and feature refreshes for 5 years with webOS Re:New Program.
Discover the next level of picture quality and technology The LG OLED B4 is a premium watching experience that offers more than meets the eye. You\'ll be able to keep pace with the action with a native 120Hz refresh rate for smoother movement whether you\'re gaming or watching sports. Entertainment extras like Dolby Vision,* Dolby Atmos®* and FILMMAKER MODE give you the big-picture experience straight from your couch. Enjoy outstanding picture powered by the α8 AI Processor, which uses AI to detect what you\'re watching and automatically improves the picture and sound quality of whatever you\'re watching. Search less and stream more, thanks to the next generation of AI technology from LG webOS 24. With Quick Cards, group your favorite apps into categories and even have instant access to over 300 free channels with LG Channels.** All LG OLED TVs have NVIDIA G-Sync, AMD FreeSync Premium and VRR to further improve gaming quality. And four HDMI 2.1 inputs allow you to plug in all the devices you need for the win. Whether you game on consoles or on the cloud,*** the LG Game Dashboard and Game Optimizer put all the control at your fingertips. *Dolby, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Confidential unpublished works. Copyright 2012–2024 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved.**Internet connection and subscriptions to streaming services are required; number of LG Channels subject to change.***Subscription and compatible gaming controller are required.

2024-11-27 01:31:09

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