해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tamagotchi Connection True Friends - Blue Graffiti and Pink Graffiti

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상품가격 $57.99
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The Original Virtual Reality Pet with Connection Play comes in a True Friends Set to play with friends and family! Pink and light blue shells with graffiti-like designs of Tamagotchi characters. Includes password for a PENCIL for your character!Tamagotchi Connection is an interactive virtual pet that grows differently depending on how well you take care of your Tamagotchi character. Play games with it, feed it food, and cure it when it is sick, and it will develop into a good companion!Tamagotchi characters can connect with others to make friends, play games, and exchange gifts! Get married and raise generations of Tamagotchi characters!The True Friends set allows best friends to show off their matching shells and have fun sharing and communicating with each other!Tamagotchi Connection has some exciting features! Nurture your Tamagotchi character and meet more than 50 characters! Play over 10 mini games to make your character happy or earn Gotchi Points! Collect more than 150 items! Buy new food and other items using Gotchi Points for your Tamagotchi character. Find passwords to unlock special items!
The Original Virtual Reality Pet with Connection Play! With revamped programming from the nostalgic 2000s device, Tamagotchi Connection is back with two trendy graffiti shells! Match with friends and/or family with this True Friends Set. Together, you can raise an interactive virtual pet with characters that differ depending on how well you take care of them. Play games with it, feed it food, and cure it when it is sick, and it will develop into a good companion! Tamagotchi Connection has some exciting features! Nurture your Tamagotchi character and meet more than 50 characters! Play over 10 mini games to make your character happy or earn Gotchi Points! Collect more than 150 items! Buy new food and other items using Gotchi Points for your Tamagotchi character. Find passwords to unlock special items! Connect with Friends! Your Tamagotchi character can connect with others to make friends, play games, and exchange gifts! Find a compatible friend and you can raise several generations of Tamagotchi characters. The True Friends set allows best friends to show off their matching shells and have fun sharing and communicating with each other! Battery (CR2032) included. Age 6+.

2024-05-16 16:37:42

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