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LG 65-Inch Class QNED80T Series LED Smart TV 4K Processor Flat Screen with Magic Remote AI-Powered with Alexa Built-in (65QNED80TUC, 2024)

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상품가격 $696.99
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QNED CONTRAST: See more natural-looking images. Powerful deep-learning algorithms help improve contrast ratio and enhance brightness.QUANTUM DOT NANOCELL COLOR: LG QNED combines cutting-edge Quantum Dots with LG\'s NanoCell technology to create uniquely bright, colorful images. Dimming Pro dynamically adjusts the back lights to maintain deep black levels, allowing you to be immersed.a5 AI PROCESSOR GEN7: Enhanced brightness, improved sound, refined picture detail. It all comes together for a thrilling watching experience powered by the a5 AI Processor Gen 7.HDR10 PRO: HDR10 Pro delivers a dramatic visual experience and elevated picture quality by enhancing each color on your screen for a "wow" effect.FILMMAKER MODE: Enhance every moment with virtual 5.1 surround sound for an immersive home theater experience. And transport yourself to the center of superhero-sized action and galaxies far, far away with FILMMAKER MODE that allows you to see films just as the directors intended.webOS RE:NEW PROGRAM: Enjoy new software updates and feature refreshes for 5 years with webOS Re:New Program.
Cutting-Edge Color with AI Power The combination of Quantum Dot and NanoCell color technologies makes the LG QNED unlike any other LED by creating a vivid and immersive experience. Every LG QNED80 is loaded with Dimming Pro to dynamically adjust the back lights to maintain deep black levels, allowing you to be immersed in whatever you\'re watching. Powered by AI, you will experience enhanced picture detail and improved sound from the α5 AI Processor Gen7 that upscales content to 4K* and detects room lighting to adjust color and picture contrast to optimal settings. Experience less searching and more streaming, thanks to the next generation of AI technology from LG webOS 24. And with Quick Cards, you can group your favorite apps into categories and use the Magic Remote to easily find what you\'re looking for—like instant access to over 300 free channels with LG Channels.** Every moment will be enhanced with virtual 5.1 surround sound for an immersive home theater experience. And you\'ll be transported to the center of superhero-sized action and galaxies far, far away with FILMMAKER MODE that allows you to see films just as the directors intended. For gamers, you can quickly customize your gaming experience in one location with the LG Game Optimizer. And, with GeForce NOW included, you can automatically stream and get in the game.***. *Image quality of upscaled content will vary based on the source resolution.**Internet connection and subscriptions to streaming services are required; number of LG Channels subject to change.***Subscription and compatible gaming controller are required.

2024-11-27 01:23:21

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