해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
5" Cordless Angle Grinder Kit, 21V 2 x 4.0Ah Batteries Grinders, 10000RPM Brushless Electric Metal Grinder w/ 10x5" Cutting Wheels, Ergonomic Button Position for Reducing Hand Pressur

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? QUALITY SERVICE - We provide replacement instead of maintenance, to ensure your experience.POWERFUL LONG LIFE BATTERY ANGLE GRINDER - JEXUGK Cordless Angle Grinder is equipped with two 4.0Ah batteries, 21V 4.0Ah high-capacity rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are tested by multiple charging with a fast charger with charge/discharge protection, meaning that it is completely feasible to run the angle grinder power tool all day long, compared to AC power cords, the cordless design allows you to have no limitations of the power cords, and the two batteries allow you to have complete not have to worry about running out of power.BRUSHLESS MOTOR HIGH POWER ANGLE GRINDER - 21V Angle Grinder Brushless Motor delivers up to 10,000RPM, thanks to the high power brushless motor, longer life, more power, less battery energy loss, operation becomes more stable and smooth, suitable for a wide range of applications such as grinding metal, descaling, metal/steel/tile cutting, sanding, and surface preparation, suitable for the most demanding applications.5 INCH UNIVERSAL SIZE - JEXUGK 5-inch cordless grinder tool has 7/8-inch arbor, downward compatible with 4-1/2-inch (115MM) and 105MM angle grinders, optimized quick-change cutting blade design allows the grinder tool\'s spindle locks to allow for quicker and easier disc changes, it is lightweight, cordless-free and easy to maneuver, perfect for indoor and outdoor use.GRINDING TOOLS FOR SAFE OPERATION - The spindle lock on the electric angle grinder allows you to change grinding wheels faster and easier, the safety guard prevents injuries caused by sparks and metal shavings during grinding and cutting on the disk grinder, the tool-less guard design allows for use in quick and easy adjustment/positioning of the guard, and the non-slip auxiliary handle provides better control, comfort, and versatility in all applications, making operation more convenience in all applications.PERFECT ACCESSORIES FOR GRINDER TOOLS - 1 x Cordless Angle Grinder; 2 x 21V 4.0Ah Batteries; 1 x 2A Rapid Charger; 10 Cutting Wheels; 4 x Shuttering Wheels; 5 x Sanding Papers; 1 x Fleece Wheel; 1 x Self-Adhesive Disc; 1 x Saw Blade; 1 Wrench; 1 Handle; 1 Sturdy Tool Kit; 1 x Wheel Cover; We will provide a lifelong after-sales service. If you have any questions about your power tool, please be sure to contact us. Our team will reply within 24 hours and try our best to solve your problem.

2024-05-15 18:31:07

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