해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Tablet 10 inch Android 13, 4GB RAM+64GB ROM Toddler Tablet for Children Teen, 2.4G & 5G WiFi, Dual Camera, 10.1'' IPS HD Screen Family Link Parent Control, 2-Year Warranty

상품번호 B0CW1TCG2K
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상품구분 Electronics / Computers & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: ITDULCET
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $129.99
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✔ 【ANDROID 13 KID\'S TABLET】The ITDULCET 10.1-inch kid\'s tablet features an octa-core processor and the latest Android 13 OS. The large screen and fast performance ensure smooth gaming, educational apps, and entertainment. NOTE: We’ve extended the charging cable to 2 meters based on feedback, allowing kids to use the tablet comfortably from anywhere—on the couch, in bed, or at a desk—without being restricted by power outlets.✔ 【 Octa Core Tablet Computer PC 4GB RAM + 64 GB ROM】- Powerful and large storage meed your family needs with an upgraded chipset and plenty of room to keep files — up to 64GB of storage, Expandable up to 1TB with TF Card (Not included); with 2.4G &5G AX WiFi 6 support fast Internet access, reading, watching movies, games, music, study, work, dual camera, support Bluetooth 5.0✔ 【Family Link Parental Control and Kids Freindly Design】The ITDULCET Kids Tablet is a safe and secure option for kids. It has Family Link parental controls for managing screen time and content access. The tablet has a high-resolution HD screen (1280*800) with a built-in blue-light protection function to protect your child\'s eyes. It also comes with a durable kid-proof case to prevent damage from drops. It offers a safe and fun technological experience for children✔【6000mAh Long-lasting Battery and 2MP+5MP Camera】The ITDULCET Kid\'s tablet is equipped with a powerful 6000mAh battery, offering up to 12 hours of learning and entertainment on a single charge. Equipped with 5MP rear camera and 2MP front camera to meet daily video chatting and photo-taking needs✔【2-year Warranty Free】Our kids tablet offers a 2-year warranty and Lifetime customer service, we will answer your any questions within 12 hours. If it breaks, return it and we’ll replace it for free. It\'s a wonderful gift tablet for children’s birthdays, school supplies, Thanksgiving, Christmas, other holidays. Package includes:1 x Tablet PC, 1 x Protective Case, 1 x Charger , 1 x TYPE-C Cable, 1 x User Manual

2024-09-05 17:17:14

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