해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Conference Table Conference Room Tables Folding Conference Table On Wheels-Easy Assembly Foldable Meeting Table Modern Seminar Boardroom Table for Office Conference Room (4pack)

상품번호 B0CW2WS1D3
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Office Products / Office Furniture & Lighting
브랜드 Brand: Poknaskza
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $1,899.99
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【Conference Table】- Create The Perfect Professional Setting For Any Staff Or Client Meeting With These Stylish Boardroom Tables That Provide An Inviting Atmosphere For Open Communication And Collaboration. With A Timeless Rectangle Shape And A Minimal, Polished Look, They Are Ideal For Any Meeting Setup.【Conference Room Table】- The Foldable Meeting Table Set Of Is Designed For Convenience And Space-Saving. It Can Be Easily Folded And Stored When Not In Use, Making It Perfect For Conference Rooms And Training Rooms With Limited Space.With Its Flip Top Design, This Conference Table Can Be Quickly Set Up And Ready For Use. Simply Unfold The Table Top And Lock It In Place, And You\'Re Ready To Start Your Meeting Or Training Session.【Folding Conference Table】- The Combination Of Modern Design And Clean Lines Allows This Folding Meeting Table To Blend In With Any DéCor. It Brings A Touch Of Elegance And Glamor To Your Space. This Seminar Table Can Not Only Be Used As A Conference Table, Reception Table, Office Desk, Training Table, But Also As A Home Computer Table.【Foldable Meeting Table】- Sturdy Desktop&Aluminum Alloy Legs The Conference Table Desktop Adopts A Thickened Design, Pvc Smooth Edge Sealing, E1 Grade Environmentally Friendly Board, Resistant To Scratches, Easy To Clean, And Free From Water And Oil. It Is Heat-Resistant And High-Temperature Resistant. The Material Of The Folding Flip Top Mobile Training Table Table Legs Is Aluminum Alloy, Which Is More Stable And Durable.【Folding Conference Table On Wheels】- Simple In Construction, Solid And Durable, This Conference Table Is A Functional Piece Of Office Furniture Designed For Excellent Meetings And Decision Making. Whether It\'S An Informal Or Formal Setting, Whatever You Need To Discuss, Our Conference Room Tables Are Ideal, And Can Also Then Be Used As A Large Computer Desk Or Executive Table For Your Home Office.

2024-05-16 22:21:23

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