해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2024 Newest 16'' Laptop Computer Windows 11, 16GB RAM 512GB SSD, Intel Quad-Core Processor(up to 2.9GHz), Full HD 1080P Laptop with USB Type-C&A, Mini HDMI, TF Card Slot, BT 4.2, Gray

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상품가격 $249.99
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[Notice Before Purchase] The laptop you received is indeed brand new and has never been used or sold before. To enhance your user experience and considering that some customers may not be familiar with the initial setup, we have kindly set up the startup guide for you before you received the laptop. This way, you can start using it directly without spending time on the tedious initial setup. We hope this small gesture can bring you convenience. If you have any questions or need further assistance during use, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to help you.[Incredible Choice For Everyday Tasks] Boasting an Intel N5095 quad-core processor, 16GB RAM, and a 512GB SSD, this Windows 11 laptop effortlessly handles tasks with remarkable efficiency. As its integrated graphics, don\'t expect it to fly in games, but if you need a 16 inches laptop for doing schoolwork, browsing the web, managing a budget, or watching Netflix, this budget laptop is fantastic value![Generous Storage Capacity For Smooth Operation] With 512GB SSD storage capacity and 16GB DDR4 memory, this traditional laptop computers provides enough space for storing your files, documents, and media, while ensuring smooth operation and multitasking. Enhanced security features like fingerprint scanners, ensuring your privacy is protected. Pre-installed Windows 11 for a ready-to-use experience, along with essential software for enhanced productivity.[Immersive Visual Feast] Immerse yourself in a visual feast with 16 inch 1080P display, where every pixel comes alive to redefine your viewing experience. Witness clarity like never before as vibrant colors and sharp details converge on a screen that sets a new standard for precision. Whether you\'re streaming video, browsing the web, or holding a video conference, the screen delivers breathtaking visuals.[Sleek Look & Portable Design] Light and thin with a sleek design, this notebook laptop is portable enough to take anywhere. ​Plus, this windows laptop computer has various ports and wireless connectivities, like USB, HDMI, bluetooth, WiFi. All of this gives you the ultimate in creative freedom and allows you to stay productive.[Your Satisfaction Is Our Forever Persuit] AnPcower is committed to splendid products and customer service. We offer 3 years warranty. Feel free to contact us if you have any issues. Our customer support team will respond within 3 hours. Whatever the issue is, we will offer a solution till you are completely satisfactory.

2024-09-05 03:52:50

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