해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ASUS Vivobook Pro 16 Laptop, 16" OLED Display, Intel Core i9 13900H, 24 GB DDR5 RAM, 1 TB PCIe SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060, Backlit Keyboard, Windows 11 Home, Quiet Blue

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상품가격 $1,699.00
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【Instant Gratification】 Vivobook Pro 16 OLED delivers exceptional performance for all-day, every-day multitasking,【Processor】13th Gen Intel Core i9-13900H processor【Display】16" Display Anti-glare screen reduces eyestrain and widens the field of view. 3200 x 2000 resolution delivers amazing color and clarity【 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 】NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 discrete graphic card for gaming and graphic designing that delivers the optimal visual experience【Operating System】Family, friends, passions, music, creations, games – Windows 11 is the one place for it all.
Description ASUS Antibacterial Guard Keyboard The surface of any laptop harbors thousands of potentially harmful bacteria. To keep Vivobook Pro 16 OLED hygienic, it\'s protected by ASUS Antibacterial Guard – a surface treatment that keeps the bugs at bay. In fact, Antibacterial Guard has been scientifically proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria by more than 99% over a 24-hour period, ensuring the surfaces of your laptop clean and sanitary for longer and reducing the spread of potentially harmful bacteria via contact. Your passport to creativity Vivobook Pro 16 OLED delivers exceptional performance for all-day, every-day multitasking, with 13th Gen Intel Core i9 Processor and NVIDIA RTX 4060 graphics for the ultimate productivity and creativity. This GPU is built with the powerful graphics performance of the NVIDIA Ampere architecture. MUX SWITCH Vivobook Pro 16 gives you a clear advantage with its MUX switch. This sends graphics frames direct to the GPU without passing through the CPU, a cool trick that reduces latency and pumps up the refresh rate, so you can outpace the competition for more league-topping wins!

2024-04-04 19:01:34

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