해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ValueMax 3-Piece Heavy Duty Cold Chisel Set, 3/8-Inch, 1/2-Inch & 5/8-Inch Metal Chisel Set, Premium Cr-V Steel, for Carpentry, Metalwork, Woodwork & Masonry Work

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상품가격 7.49
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High-Quality 3 PCS Cold Chisel Set: This set includes chisels with dimensions 3/8" x 5-1/2", 1/2" x 5-7/8", and 5/8" x 6-3/4", meticulously designed to meet diverse cutting requirements with precision and efficiency. Ideal for a range of tasks in woodworking, metalworking, and morePremium Material: Crafted from chrome vanadium steel, our chisel set is heat-treated and features drop-forged construction for exceptional durability and toughness. Deliver reliable performance and longevityHigh Hardness: With an edge hardness of 58-60HRC, our chisels are optimized for superior cutting abilities on hard materials such as wood, stone, and metal. Tail annealing enhances toughness for durability in demanding tasksWide Applications: Ideal for cutting rivets, rods, bolts, removing slag and waste, brass, bronze, cast iron, and aluminum. This masonry chisel set is a versatile addition to any toolbox, perfect for DIY enthusiasts and professional tradesmenCustomer Satisfaction: Backed by our commitment to quality, this cold chisel set for metal offers reliable performance and durability. Experience the convenience and precision that come with using quality chisel tools

2025-01-07 02:49:12

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