해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
P1 DUO 4K Dash Cam Front and Rear, 64GB SD Card, 4K+1080P Dual Dash Camera for Cars, Wi-Fi & App Control, 1.5’’IPS Display Car Camera, Voice Control, Night Vision, 24H Parking Mode, G-Sensor

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상품가격 $98.98
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4K+1080P Dual Dash Cam- Pelsee dash cam offers clarity with its single front camera, capturing exquisitely clear 4K videos at 3840*2160P/30fps through 170° wide-angle lens. It also boasts with rear camera capturing stunning footage in 1080P and 150° wide angle. This ensures you have top-notch evidence in any situation, giving you the confidence and clarity you need on the road.Built-in WiFi & APP Control- Experience real-time previews of your videos, making it effortless to share your travel highlights with loved ones. Leverage the WiFi and "Pelsee Cam" app to conveniently download, view, replay, and even edit your footage directly from your smartphone.Voice-activated Control- Effortlessly control the dash camera front and rear with spoken commands, allowing you to focus on driving for safety. Just speak a command to turn on or off recording audio, capture photos, or lock videos, keeping your hands-free for the steering wheel.Excellent Night Vision- Boasting a 1.5/F aperture and 6 layers of optical precision, our car camera captures every vital detail, from license plates to road signs even in dim lighting conditions. Its advanced image processing technology effectively minimizes glare distortions caused by daylight or vehicles behind you, ensuring clear and undistorted footage at all times.24-Hour Parking Mode- Car dash camera automatically transitions to Parking Mode for continuous surveillance when your car is stationary. Time-lapse Recording efficiently condenses videos, conserving power & storage, ACC hardwire kit required for this feature. G-Sensor swiftly detects abrupt collisions or impacts, promptly locking the relevant footage to assist you in comprehending any occurrences with your car.64GB Loop Recording- Car dash cam automatically overwrites the oldest files, ensuring seamless recording even when the storage card is full. We offer a 64GB memory card, with the dashcam capable of supporting up to 256GB card for extensive storage needs.1.5" Display & Easy Operation- The 1.5" IPS screen offers a clear readout of the dash cam\'s status and function switches, minimizing the risk of setting errors. The dashcam boasts a highly user-friendly design, ensuring intuitive operation. If you encounter any operational queries or concerns, feel at ease to reach out to us, and we\'ll get back to you promptly within 24 hours.

2024-09-05 15:32:42

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