해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RV Awning Fabric Replacement, Upgraded 18.5oz Vinyl Camper Awning Replacement, Universal Outdoor Canopy for Electric and Manual RV Awning (16'(Fabric 15'2"), Black)

상품번호 B0CWNKC36V
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상품가격 89.99
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PREMIUM MATERIAL & HOT-PRESSING TECH: Our RV awning fabric, crafted from 18.5 oz 4-ply high-grade vinyl, stands resilient against extended exposure to sunlight, rain, and wind, maintaining its integrity without fading, tearing, or deterioration. Employing advanced hot-pressing technology, this awning replacement fabric epitomizes seamless construction, guaranteeing no peeling or leakage.WEATHER & COLD CRACK RESISTANT: The heavy-duty RV canopy is constructed of 1000D PVD fabric with SPF 50+ sun protection. It protects you and your loved ones from harmful UV rays. Its 100% waterproof design, enhanced by advanced waterproofing technology, provides reliable protection from rain. Even in extreme winter conditions with temperatures as low as -30°F, this RV awning canopy remains flexible and crack-resistant, ensuring durability and longevity in all climates.UNIVERSAL DESIGN & MULTIPLE SIZES: Designed to fit most RV awnings, the Xenjum Universal Awning Replacement seamlessly integrates with your RV\'s current awning system, including popular brands such as Carefree, Dometic, Lippert, Carter, Faulkner and more. Our camper awning replacement is available in a variety of sizes. Ensure a precise fit for your RV, camper, or motor home by meticulously measuring the distance between the centerlines of the awning arms!EASY INSTALLATION: Our vinyl awning fabric features three securely sewn polycords that streamline the installation process. Simply slide the polycords into the designated channels on your RV awning roller tube. Whether you\'re replacing an existing fabric or upgrading to a new one, these three sewn-in polycords ensure compatibility with different awning configurations, providing both flexibility and convenience.CUSTOMER SUPPORT & WARRANTY COVERAGE: With a commitment to prompt and courteous service, we aim to respond to your inquiries quickly and effectively, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. In addition, Xenjum RV Awning Fabric Replacement is backed by a comprehensive warranty, giving you added protection and peace of mind against any unexpected problems or concerns.

2024-11-26 07:05:03

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