해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GODOX X3 X3S X3-S TTL Touchscreen Flash Trigger Compatible with Sony Cameras, 2.4G Wireless OLED Transmitter,Built-in 850mAh Lithium Battery (X2T-S Xpro-S XProII-S Upgrade Version)

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상품가격 $89.00
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Just Swipe and Tap Feel the ease of control at your fingertips. Navigate effortlessly through the Godox X3\'s user-friendly interface with a simple swipe and tap. Elevate your workflow with intuitive control and versatile flash modes.High-Definition OLED Screen Experience the brilliance of the OLED touchscreen on the Godox X3, providing a high-contrast display and a rapid refresh rate for an incredible viewing experience. Ideal for both indoor and outdoor shooting, effortlessly adjust the screen brightness by sliding left or right to suit your surroundings, whether it\'s bright sunlight or low-light conditions.Precision at Your Fingertips Seamless versatility is at your fingertips with the Godox X3\'s two-way TCM. Experience instant and effortless conversion between TTL mode and Manual Mode. Swift transitions provide convenience, offering flexibility to adapt to various shooting scenarios with ease.Easy-Mounting, Durable Hotshoe Enhance your photography experience with the Godox X3\'s robust hotshoe, crafted for seamless mounting and optimal protection of your camera\'s hotshoe. Bid farewell to installation hassles, as the easy-mounting hotshoe guarantees trouble-free setup, allowing you to concentrate on capturing the perfect shot.Seamless Connection with Advanced 2.4GHz Godox Wireless X System Utilizing the advanced 2.4GHz Godox Wireless X system, the Godox X3 ensures effortless and reliable management of your Godox lighting setup. The spare channel scanning function prevents interference from other users operating on the same channel. A noteworthy feature is the WirelessSync, allowing you to seamlessly connect the Godox X3 to our upcoming retro camera flash with just one tap.Your Shots, Your Way With Godox X3, take control of your shots in a way that suits your needs. Choose between the intuitive touchscreen or the tactile feel of real buttons. The ultra-sleek and efficient UI allows you to easily switch or toggle settings and modes through the touchscreen. For those cold shoots with gloves, effortlessly adjust parameters through buttons on the side.Quick Charge, Always Ready Equipped with a built-in rechargeable lithium battery, X3 offers hassle-free power on the go. With the USB-C port, the X3 swiftly charges from 0% to 100% in just 2 hours, ensuring you\'re always ready to capture the moment. Additionally, seamless firmware updates can also be performed through the USB-C connection.

2024-09-28 12:00:11

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