해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Automatic Electric Nail Clipper,with LCD Digital Display, Safety Baby Fingernail Nail Clipper, 3-Speeds Levels and Nail Clip Storage, USB Rechargeable Suitable for Babies,Children, Adults and Seniors

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상품가격 $31.99
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?3 Adjustable Mode & Safe: This electric baby nail clipper is 100% safe. It is ergononic designed, very comfortable to hold. The blade is hidden behind a slot which protects fingers. The automatic nail trimmer is absolutely safe when your fngers touch the slots directly. You will never worry about cutting baby\'s fingers by accident with this nail clipper. This nail clipper is good for the elderly who doesn\'t have a good vision.?45-Decibel Bass Working & LED Light: Our electric nail trimmer work with 45-decibel low noise, allowing you to trim your nails in peace, and the LED auxiliary light allows you to use it safely even in dim environments, so as long as it is operated properly, no need to Worried about hurting your fingers.?Easy To Use: Children and the elderly can easily use this nail clipper without reading the manual, because it has only one button and is easy to use. Compared with tradtional nail clippers, this electric nail clipper or nail file or nail trimmer, whatever you call it, makes trimming nails so easy and neat.?Automatic Collection: With this kind of nail clippers, you will never have to worry about the nail fragments flying around, and you don\'t need to spend a lot of time searching for nails. This nail clipper has a built-in debris storage box. When the nail clipper is working, it will automatically store the cut nails in the storage box. Therefore, you can use this nail clipper or nail trimmer or nail filer anywhere in the office, bed, car, etc.?USB Rechargeable: This nail clipper is equipped with a USB charging cable, which can trim your nails 60 times after being fully charged.

2024-05-17 02:24:30

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