해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
iMethod Microblading Eyebrow Pen - Eyebrow Pencil Magical Upgraded Eye Brow Pencils for Women with 4 Fork Tip & Spoolie Brush for Natural-Looking Hair-Like Defined Brows, Last All-Day, Brown

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상품가격 $13.97
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【UPGRADED 2ML CAPACITY】We created this 2ML natural brow pen to fulfill your brow needs for long usage. iMethod eyebrow pencils for women has 4-prong micro-fork-tip to fill in sparse areas, draw hair-like strokes, shape and blend with spoolie brush for a softly defined eyebrows. Instantly lifts, makes eyes look brighter! BROWN is for brown to medium brown and auburn hair.【LIKE YOUR REAL NATURAL BROWS】Do you want to spend less time on your eyebrows in busy mornings? Our waterproof eyebrow pencil brush is friendly to beignners and pros! Designed to transform your brows with natural fullness. Eyebrow microblading pen allows you easily fill, shape and define brows. SUPER QUICK and EASY to achieve ultra-precise, defined & natural-looking full brows in seconds, resembling 3D natural real hair!【LAST ALL-DAY & EASY TO WIPE CLEAN】The liquid microblade eyebrow pen with smooth long wearing, water-resistant NON-DRY formula delivers up to 24 hours long wear if not rubbing the brows too hard. It\'s waterproof, smudge-proof, sweatproof, transfer-proof. With this all-in-one brow tool kit, You won\'t worry about smudging from running, swimming, hiking in hot summer. The waterproof microblading eyebrow pen gel can be easily wiped clean with makeup remover.【MULTI-USE & EASY APPLICATION】The microblade brow pen is not only for filling in eyebrow gaps, creating perfectly shaped and defined brows that last from sunrise to moonlight, but also for filling in hairlines. With a maximum size of 4.6 inches, the microblading eyebrow pen is super compact to fit in your makeup bag or purse for quick and easy access. Get this micro brow pencil, you are ready to perfect your brows anytime and anywhere!【OUTLINE EYEBROWS WITH PRECISION】The precision waterproof brow pen is a nice gift for your family, friends, girlfriends, etc. iMethod eye brow pen is available in 7 shades, light brown, brown, dark brown, black brown, dark grey, black, reddish brown! IMPORTANT-GENTLY SHAKE the eye brow pencil up and down before use. When NOT in use, ALWAYS keep the cap TIGHT! Make sure you hear the CLICK when closing it! CLEAN YOUR BROW AREA BEFORE USE TO AVOID THE TIP GET CLOGGED BY LOTIONS.

2024-05-14 18:17:09

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