해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Personalized Beach Towel with Photo & Text Cstomization - Custom Towel for Pool, Swimming, Yoga, Gym, Fitness for Men & Women (32" x 63")

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상품가격 29.98
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Individually Customized: Whether it\'s a name or cherished photo., Click "Customize Now" to begin crafting your very own personalized beach towel. Upload your desired images, be it couple portraits, family snapshots, friend reunions, adorable pet moments, or sweet baby photos. Share the love with our personalized beach towels, perfect for holiday, vacations, pools or gym. Practical and stylish!Variety of Sizes: Explore our range of sizes to suit your needs: indulge in our cozy 27" x 55", embrace luxury with our spacious 32" x 63", enjoy maximum comfort with our generous 40" x 60", or opt for versatility with our stylish 30" x 70".Multi-Purpose Towel: Transition effortlessly from beachside bliss to gym workouts, sporting activities, and outdoor adventures with ease. Ideal for beach outings, swimming sessions, gym workouts, surfing escapades, camping trips, and picnics on the go. Moreover, they make unforgettable gifts for every occasion, whether it\'s a honeymoon, summer celebration, Mother\'s Day, Father\'s Day, or a birthday surprise.Care Guide: Conveniently machine washable, remember to wash before initial use. Simply hand or machine wash and allow to air dry. Avoid bleach for best results.Important Notice: To guarantee optimal printing quality, kindly upload high-resolution photos. Prior to purchase, please review your custom details carefully. Once the personalized product is crafted, no returns or exchanges can be accommodated unless a quality issue arises.
Indulge in luxury with our soft, absorbent, and fast-drying personalized beach towel. Versatile for beach outings, poolside lounging, spa retreats, yoga sessions, gym workouts, and fitness endeavors. Customize with your own photo and text for a truly unique touch. Machine washable for easy care, it\'s the perfect gift for yourself or your loved ones, adding a personalized touch to every moment of relaxation and adventure.

2024-04-04 18:48:51

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