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SAMSUNG Smart Gaming OLED TV, FreeSync Premium, Gaming Hub, up to 144Hz, 48-Inch Class 4K S90D Series w/Dolby Atmos, 4K AI Upscaling, Alexa Built-in (QN48S90D, 2024 Model)

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상품가격 $1,397.99
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OLED TECHNOLOGY: Discover pure blacks, bright whites and Pantone-validated color; Combined with detail and brightness, this pixel-packed screen gives you a dramatic view for everything you watchOLED HDR+: Enjoy powerful brightness and rich contrast; Your TV analyzes each scene to boost brightness and improve image clarity¹MOTION XCELERATOR 144Hz: Play games and content with ultra-smooth motion and virtually no lag or blur; Get uninterrupted action with crisp visuals rendered at top speeds²REAL DEPTH ENHANCER: Experience depth and dimension on screen just like you do in real life; For all content, Real Depth Enhancer mirrors how the human eye processes depth by increasing foreground contrast4K AI UPSCALING: Content instantly transformed to incredibly sharp up to 4K resolution; Whether you’re streaming an HD movie, watching live sports, or looking back at home videos, experience it all transformed into sharp 4K resolution³DOLBY ATMOS & OBJECT TRACKING SOUND LITE: Keep your ears on the action with built-in Dolby Atmos; You’ll hear 3D surround sound that follows the movement on screen using our incredible virtual top channel audioNQ4 AI GEN2 PROCESSOR: The power behind the 4K picture that actively improves the quality; Utilizing 20 specialized networks the AI-powered processor drives the intuitive Smart TV Hub, Dolby Atmos sound, and expertly upscaled 4K resolutionSAMSUNG TIZEN OS: Stream your favorite shows, play games and work out with a trainer; Do all you enjoy with Smart TV Powered by Tizen; Discover your must-have apps and streaming services all just a few clicks away⁴PANTONE VALIDATED: Enjoy color validated by industry leading experts at Pantone, so that images on the screen look as incredible as they do in real life; Every hue, tint and skin tone offers a more accurate and beautiful pictureSAMSUNG GAMING HUB: Where gaming comes together; Stream your favorite games right from your TV, no console required; You’ll also get recommendations on what to play next, based on what you like⁵

2024-06-10 01:17:11

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