해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tribesigns 47 Inch Dining Table for 2-4, Modern Kitchen Table, Small Rectangular Dinner Table with Faux Marble Top & Wood Pedestal Base for Dining Room, Home, Small Space, White/Walnut

상품번호 B0CWZSCH85
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상품가격 $161.49
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【Small Dining Table for 4 】 -Measuring 47.2" L x 31.5" D x 29.5" H, the dining table comfortably accommodates four people, making it ideal for family meals or friendly gatherings. Further enhancing the dining experience, the pedestal design allows for maximum legroom to ensure everyone is seated comfortably.【Modern White Dining Table】 -Sprinkle a dash of elegance and modern flair into your dining room with this rectangular dining table for four. Its faux marble finish blends perfectly with the grid-patterned pedestal design, creating an interesting contrast between traditional and contemporary styles while adding vibrancy and sophistication to your dining space.【Durable Construction】 -Our dinner table is constructed from 1.57" thick high-quality particleboard, ensuring strength and durability that you can count on for years. With a substantial weight capacity of 200 lb, this kitchen table is reliably robust, while the pedestal base contributes to its steady structure, guaranteeing stability through every meal.【Multi-Functional Use】 -Thanks to its impressive versatility, the dining room table blends well into any settings. Whether you\'re furnishing a compact dining room, kitchen, living room, a bistro or café, this table could prove a perfect addition.【Easy Assembly & Warranty】-All the necessary hardware and tools are included. The step-by-step instructions make it a breeze to put together, and the process can be completed in no time. Plus, Tribesigns offers a 24-month warranty, and our customer service team is also available to assist you with any questions or concerns.

2024-06-12 02:55:04

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