해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tablet 10 inch, Android 14 Tablet Octa-Core Processor with 64GB Storage, Dual 5MP+8MP Camera, WiFi 6, Bluetooth, TF 1TB, Long Battery Life, Performance Tablet (Black)

상품번호 B0CX11SGZK
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상품구분 Electronics / Computers & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: HiGrace
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $89.99
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?【Android 14 More Personalization】The tablet is powered by the latest Android 14 operating system, which improves the tablet\'s performance and efficiency giving users more control over their data and personal information, and introduces tighter privacy controls and security features to enhance its user protection and user assistance features. Updates include new themes and AI-generated wallpapers, more control over health-related features and safety settings, and improved functionality for a range of accessibility features. This makes the tablet easier and more efficient to use and a great addition to your life!?【Updated Octa-core Processor】Android 14 tablet comes with an octa-core processor, the new A523 processor featuring the A55 architecture core. It offers more than a six-fold increase in performance compared to quad cores. Capable of supporting a maximum frequency of 2.0 Ghz, this tablet utilizes a low-power 22nm process for lighter operation and faster processing with lower heat and power consumption. It supports more apps, improves graphics performance and processing speed, and delivers a smooth video experience.?【8GB+64GB/1TB Expansion+Widevine L1 】Tablet is expandable storage of microSD card/TF card up to 1TB, under 8GB RAM (3+5 expansion)+64GB internal storage, without worrying about the storage capacity of the tablet itself. One tablet can handle many entertainment needs such as video, music, e-books, online courses, internet, games, etc. Support Widewine L1, it will be able to transmit high-definition videos of high-quality video streaming platforms such as netflix, amazon prime video.?【10 inch High-Definition Touch Screen】10.1 inch tablet computer has an 1280*800 IPS HD touchscreen display excellent visual experience from all angles, presenting you with richer picture display, clearer portrait capture, more delicate detail depiction, large screen soft light curtain can reduce the visual pressure on your eyes and relieve fatigue. 5MP + 8MP dual cameras are designed to meet your daily needs for great photos and clear video chats. Take photos easily anytime and anywhere.? 【Long Lasting Battery & Bluetooth5.3】10 inch tablet is powered by a long-lasting, reusable 5000mAh Li-ion battery that easily gives you up to 8 hours of reading, browsing, watching movies, and playing games, giving you more time for entertainment and surfing the web. The tablet has built-in Bluetooth 5.3 and supports 5G/2.4G dual-band WIFI connection. Suitable for coffee shops, offices, bedrooms and more. The strong reception signal can keep you well connected at all times, so you can enjoy working, talking to family, and connecting with friends anytime and anywhere.? 【Ideal Choice For Gift 】Android tablet is a good choice for birthday or a gift for family and friends. HiGrace Tablet PC professional team focuses on customer service, adhering to the principle of customer first, with professional experience and high quality service, if you receive any problematic products, please feel free to let us know. We will provide you with a satisfactory and professional solution within 24 hours. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee and 12 months warranty for quality issue.

2024-09-05 02:46:08

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