해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
POP MART Jackson Wang Magic Man Series Figures, 6 PC Blind Box Figures, Random Design Action Figures Collectible Toys Home Decorations, Holiday Birthday Gifts for Girls and Boys, Whole Set

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상품가격 $95.94
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POP MART JACKSON WANG MAGIC MAN SERIES FIGURES: Blind box contain a random figure from a specific series. One figure per blind box and no one knows what\'s inside the box before it is opened-including us. This collection contains 6 regular figures, and 1 hidden edition (100 WAYS).Random Design: Each blind box is randomly arranged. You may get the hidden edition in any single box with a probability of 1/72. We cannot accept requests for specific items. When you buy a whole set, you won’t receive any duplicate figures.Perfect Gifts for Girls or Boys: A collectible toy gift. Good for home decor, party favors, desk accessories, or inside cars. A piece-of-art expressing feelings and emotions. Great for sharing with family and friends.Cute Size Toys: The height of each figure is between 3.7 and 3.93 inches (9.4 cm to 10 cm). All figures are hand-painted with lots of details. harmless, and odorless PVC/ABS/Paper material. Lively and precise coloring. Smooth and high-quality surfacing.Customer Services: If you receive a damaged item or encounter quality issues, reach out to us within 15 days of receiving your order.

2024-09-06 13:59:32

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