해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
1/2 inch Drip Irrigation End Cap Fittings, 13mm ID Barbed End Plug Parts for 1/2 Inch Irrigation Tubing (0.520"ID) Drip Line Goof Plug Connector for Garden Irrigation System (15 Pack)

상품번호 B0CX1ZW9SG
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상품가격 $12.99
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15 Pieces 1/2" Drip Irragation Line Ender:The package comes with 15 pcs 1/2 inch irrigation tubing end cap, making connections of 1/2-inch drip tubing in a variety of landscape designs.Connectors Used for 1/2 In. Drip Irrigation Tubing:These 1/2" drip irrigation connectors are compatible with 1/2 inch irrigation tubing, which can be used to connect and repair 13mm in-line drip tubing (0.520"ID). Please pay attention to the tubing specifications before purchasing.High Impact Drip Irrigation Insert Connectors:Constructed of highly durable UV resistant materials, this 1/2 inch poly tubing end caps guarantee extended operation in harsh conditions. One-piece construction for added strength and durability for long-term performance.Easy Installation & Leak Proof: Featured with three barb design for super tight connection. It ensure the pipe connect tightly to the fitting to eliminate leaks and high-pressure blowouts.Wide Application: These end cap to 1/2 in. drip irrigation hose are useful when creating a drip or micro sprinkler system, which allows you to create a custom layout for your planting area. It can be used for raised garden beds, ground covers, shrubs, perennial plants, greenhouse, patio, lawn, and other agricultural watering system.

2024-05-16 02:38:13

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