해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
25pcs Titanium Oscillating Tool Blades, Universal Multitool Blades for Metal Wood Cutting, Oscillating Saw Blade for Metal Hard Material, Multi Tool Blades Kits Fit Dewalt Bosch Milwaukee Ryobi (25)

상품번호 B0CX231226
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: FORCA
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $39.99
상품가격 상세보기

If you are looking for the most cost-effective oscillating saw blade that meets the most consumer usage scenarios? So our Forca multi tool blades serrated part is made of titanium plated material. Compared with ordinary multi tool blades, the service life is twice that of it, and the speed and wear resistance are improved by 55%.Our 25pcs titanium oscillating saw blades Kit include (10pcs bottom width 1-3/8 length 1-1/2; 8pcs dovetail angle bottom width 1-3/4 length 1-1/2; 4pcs dovetail angle bottom width 1-3/4 dovetail angle length 2-3/4; 2pcs bottom width dovetail angle 2-1/2 length 2; 1pcs bottom width 1-3/4 length 2-1/16). The 2-3/4 long multitool blade provides users with a larger workspace, achieving more efficient and smooth cutting, especially suitable for long-distance and narrow areas. In addition, the 65mm multi tool blade kit is very suitable for cutting larger diameter metals, plastics, copper pipes, and vast floor areas.The 25pcs set of Forca titanium coated bi-metal oscillating saw blades has a wide range of applicability, from cutting wood and pipes to the application of metals, copper pipes, door frames, and nails, titanium metal saw blades are the first choice to improve work efficiency.Our oscillating saw blade features laser mark technology on both sides, ensuring a clear and bright printed scale that will not fade or blur over time. The scale unit includes both centimetres and inches, allowing for more accurate cutting results.Individually Package - Each titanium oscillating saw blade is packaged individually, all of these saw blades is placed in a box to prevent collision damage from affecting use, and is easy to carry and storeCustomer Support: Each Forca multitool blade will be delivered after rigorous testing and quality inspection. Should you encounter any issues during use, please contact us via email or Amazon. Our dedicated after-sales customer service team will respond to your query within 24 hours.

2025-01-07 22:17:54

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