해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hisense 32-Inch Smart TV 720p HD LED DTS TruSound, Motion Rate 120, Auto Low Latency Game Mode Works with Alexa & Google Assistant, 32H4030F4 (Renewed)

상품번호 B0CX6M87RX
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상품가격 $134.99
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HD High Definition: Enjoy your entertainment with reduced motion blur and a sharp imageSmart TV with access to streaming services for entertainment: Enjoy instant access to the best selection of applications from the best streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, YouTube, Prime Video and many more directly on your TVWorks with Alexa and Google Assistant: Ask Google Assistant and Alexa to turn on your TV, change channels, control the volume, and moreAuto Low Latency Game Mode: Enjoy a better gaming experience. In Game Mode, input lag is significantly improved, so your commands from the controller are virtually instantaneous on the screenMotion Speed: Enjoy fast-paced sports, movies and games without lag. With Motion Rate image processing technology, the H4 keeps the excitement going by making it easy to track fast-moving action
Enjoy a sharper, more colorful picture with the full-backlit 720p LED display. Reduce motion blur with Motion rate 120. Quickly access entertainment and control your TV with Google Assistant or compatible Alexa devices. DTS TruSurround delivers full, detailed audio. The bezel-less design means you see more screen and less bezel

2024-06-07 15:25:09

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