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Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornament 2024, Star Wars Darth Vader Vintage Figure, Gifts for Star Wars Fans

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상품가격 $22.99
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Delight a "Star Wars" fan and collector with this Darth Vader Vintage Figure Hallmark Keepsake Christmas ornament. The decoration is inspired by original action figures released in 1978.Approx. Size in Inches: 3 x 4.5 x 0.7Great Christmas gift idea for fans of the "Star Wars" saga and "Star Wars" collectibles.Additional Details: Artist-crafted by Timothy Bishop. Plastic Christmas ornament features hanger attachment.Purchase Includes: One 2024 Keepsake Ornament in gift box for easy gift giving, preservation and storage.
Within a year of its premiere, "Star Wars" became the first film to launch a wildly successful line of toys based on its characters and concepts. Those toys inspired a generation of kids and collectors—including many of us on the Hallmark Keepsake Ornament team! Featuring iconic vintage styling, this Christmas tree ornament commemorates one of the first 12 "Star Wars" action figures released in stores in 1978: Darth Vader. With unparalleled artistry and exceptional detail, Hallmark Keepsake Christmas ornaments are perfect for preserving precious memories, commemorating special milestones and celebrating individual hobbies and interests. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.

2024-12-01 03:49:58

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