해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Angle Grinder Compatible with DeWalt 20V MAX Battery, Cordless Angle Grinder, 7000 RPM Brushless Motor, 3 PCS 4-1/2" Blades for Cutting, Griding, Polishing, etc. (Battery NOT Included)

상품번호 B0CXCLPP55
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상품가격 $74.99
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【Cordless Angle Grinder】: The Angle Grinder is Powered by DEWALT 20V Batteries, such as DCB200, DCB201, DCB203, DCB204, DCB205, DCB206, DCB230, DCB240 etc. PLEASE NOTE: Battery is NOT Included.【Low Voltage Protection】:The angle grinder has built-in low voltage protection and overcurrent protection to protect your battery from damage. When the battery voltage is too low, the machine will automatically power down.【Various Compatible Accessories】:The Electric Angle Grinder features a 5/8‘-11 core spindle and is compatible with all types of 4-1/2" blades, discs, sanding wheels, making it an all-purpose tool that handles a variety of sanding, polishing surfaces, and cutting tasks.【7000 RPM Brushless Motor】:Electric angle grinders are equipped with 7000 RPM brushless motors. Brushless motors offer 300% longer life, 100% higher output, 150% less wear and 60% less energy consumption than conventional motors. It delivers more kinetic energy with less power consumption, making it easy for you to work every time.【Multiple Safety Features】Our Cordless Grinder comes with several safety features. The security lock prevents accidental start-up to protect your family, When the safety lock is in the center, the machine on/off button will not be pressed to start the machine. When the safety lock is on the left or right, pressing the machine on/off button will start the machine.【Specific Parameters】: Our upgraded Angle Grinder adopts a high-power motor which reaches a highest speed at 7000 RPM, saving a lot of time and getting your work done faster.【Wide Application】Adjustable handle to suit both left and right handed users. Comes with three 4-1/2" blade for grinding and cutting carbon metal, rebar, concrete, wood, tile, brick and so on.【After Sales Service】: For any questions, please contact us. With our friendly customer service always standing behind our products and responding to all emails within 24 hours, you can buy with confidence.

2024-05-15 18:32:34

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