해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SYOKO Desoldering Wick, Braid Length 10ft/3M Width 2.5mm, No-Clean Solder Remover Wick, Used to Remove the Solder and Disassemble Electronic Components - Pack of 3 (SW-2530) (SW-2530)

상품번호 B0CXJ5M81C
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상품가격 $8.99
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√ 「SYOKO Solder Wick」: .High-quality materials The solder wick is geometrically precisely braided with high-quality copper wire, which is resistant to oxidation and corrosion, has good thermal conductivity, low residual and no halide, and clean tin absorption√ 「Braid Size」: w 0.10\'\' L 9.8\'; width:2.5mm, Length: 3M/10ft√ 「Easy to Use」: the desoldering wicks can provide an easier way to correct mistakes on small PCB boards and will not make damage to the board, clean small components, suitable for re-soldering and desoldering. place it over the area where you want to remove the solder and heat it up.√ 「Wide Range Of Use」: The braided solder wick is suitable for studio, laboratory, school, home, professional repair, DIY hobbyist and industrial soldering work; and the wick is designed with fine weave, Increase the speed of cleaning the PCB pad. Bring convenience to your welding work.√ 「After Sales」: If you have any problem after receiving the solder wire, please feel free to contact us. We will reply at the first time!

2024-06-10 20:04:43

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