해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
16FT RV Awing Fabric Replacement, 16oz Heavy-Duty Weatherproof Camper Awning Replacement Vinyl Universal Outdoor Canopy for All Brands Camper, Awning for Door Entrance, Trailer, and Motorhome-Blue

상품번호 B0CXJ72HD5
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상품가격 $92.99
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RV Awning Replacement Fabric: Designed for RV and camper awnings, this 16 oz heavy-duty vinyl offers superior strength and durability, ensuring performance in harsh weather. Ideal for any RV or camper trailer.Easy and Quick Installation: Setting up the new awning is straightforward. The fabric effortlessly slides into the existing awning tracks, with all multicore wires sewn into the vinyl fabric, requiring no special tools. Perfect for hassle-free rv awning or camper awning replacement.Durable Vinyl Material: Our camper awning replacement features heavy-duty 16 oz, 3-ply premium fabric, designed for UV protection and water resistance. The fabric is specially treated to enhance crack resistance under extreme temperature conditions.UV Resistance and Weatherproof: Our 1000D PVC tarpaulin is designed with UV protection and waterproof capabilities, ensuring it remains fade-resistant in any season.How to Choose the Correct Size: To ensure you select the right size of replacement awning fabric for your RV, camper, or motorhome, carefully measure the distance between the centerlines of the two awning arms before making a purchase.Variety of Choices: Choose from six sizes (14-19 ft) and two stylish colors—gradient black and gradient blue—to perfectly match your RV, camper, or truck.

2024-11-26 07:12:59

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