해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
YESHOMY Convertible Sectional Sofa U-Shaped Couch with Soft Modern Cotton Chenille Fabric for Living Room, Oversized Seats with Comfortable Backrest, Gray

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상품가격 $489.99
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THREE PACKAGES: The sectional sofa is shipped in three boxes, so the three packages may arrive at different times, please be patient. The cushions are vacuum compressed. After opening the package, please wait 48 hours for it to return to its original shape, or you can also use a hair dryer to quickly blow the cushions and backrests until fluffy for a better experience.EXCELLENT AND COMFORTABLE SOFA: This combination sofa has a simple and elegant design. Tight sewing details and chenille fabric and solid wood construction ensure that this combination sofa is structurally stable and of great quality. The high-density foam padding in the cushions and the pocketed coil spring system provide a comfortable sitting experience.REMOVABLE COVER: Back cushions, seat cushions and armrests are removable. You can wash the removed cover in the washing machine or choose sofa cleaner to keep your sofa looking clean and beautiful.FOOL-STYLE ASSEMBLY AND EASY TO MOVE: No additional tools are needed, even elderly ladies can easily assemble the living room sofa. Each piece of sofa can be detached and moved individually, so it is perfect for moving in narrow hallways or doorways. No need to worry when moving.PET FRIENDLY AND EASY TO CLEAN: Much of your pet\'s fur grows on the top of the sectional sofa, so you can easily remove clumps of hair or wipe it down with a lint roller every few days to keep it clean. Don\'t worry if your pet likes to paw at the sofa, the chenille fabric is very strong and won\'t leave any marks.
YESHOMY U-Shaped Sofa Feature: YESHOMY Sectional Couch Living Room Sets, Chenille Fabric U-Shaped Sofa with Double Chaises, Gray Washed. Specification Color: Gray Washed Material: Wood, Chenille Fabric, etc Package Dimensions:110"(L) x 44.1"(W) x 33.4"(H) Package includes: A sofa A tool kit A manual of installation and usage Notice: There may be some differences between photos and items in term of color because the influence of lighting during the shooting or the settings of the computers’ display screen.

2024-06-03 22:00:57

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