해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KBTZ-321 501st Legion Clone Wars assortments - 8 Star Figures to Collect - Captain Rex, Commander Jesse, Echo, Hardcase, Dogma, Tup, Kix, Fives Battle Pack with Weapons Figure Warrior Gift Boys Girls

상품번호 B0CXS12XB2
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Toy Figures & Playsets
브랜드 Brand: Sorena
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상품가격 $25.99
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QUALITY: Outstanding attention to detail with impeccable printing results and absence of ghosting. Crafted from premium-quality, environmentally friendly, and non-toxic plastic. Featuring a sleek surface that is gentle on the skin.PACKAGING: Each figure and accessory is meticulously packaged in its separate seal. The entire collection is presented in an elegant, gift-worthy black bag SIZE: The figures measure approximately 1 inch by 0.4 inch by 1.7 inches, with droids being more slender and super droids slightly taller. The dimensions of the packaging are 7 inches by 8 inches by 1 inch.MATERIAL: Constructed with premium ABS plastic for durability and qualityIDEAL for: collectors, gifting, enhancing desktop aesthetics, imaginative play, and mock battlesPerfect for Stur Wars Enthusiasts: Whether you\'re a collector, a fan of 501st Legion Clone Wars, or a lover of space-themed adventures, this building block set is a fantastic addition to your collection.
Introducing our exclusive collection of 8 Star Figures, each representing iconic characters from the Space Wars universe: Captain Rex, Commander Jesse, Echo, Hardcase, Dogma, Tup, Kix, and Fives. QUALITY: Impeccable attention to detail sets these figures apart, boasting flawless printing and a complete absence of ghosting. Crafted from premium-quality, environmentally friendly, and non-toxic plastic, they feature a sleek surface that is gentle on the skin. PACKAGING: Each figure and accessory is meticulously packaged in its own separate seal, ensuring pristine condition upon arrival. The entire collection is presented in an elegant, gift-worthy black bag. SIZE: These figures measure approximately 1 inch by 0.4 inch by 1.7 inches, with droids being more slender and super droids slightly taller. The packaging dimensions are 7 inches by 8 inches by 1 inch. MATERIAL: Constructed with premium ABS plastic, these figures are built to last, ensuring durability and maintaining quality over time. IDEAL for collectors, gifting, enhancing desktop aesthetics, imaginative play, and engaging in mock battles, our Star Figures collection offers endless possibilities for Star Wars enthusiasts of all ages.

2024-05-15 20:46:13

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