해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
4K Action Camera, 30m/98ft Ultra HD Waterproof Camera, 170°Wide Angle Underwater Cameras with WiFi, Sports Cameras, Action Camera 4K 30fps, 900mAh Battery, 2.0" LCD Screen, Mounting Accessories Kit

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상품가격 36.99
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【4K Ultra HD Action Camera】 With a high-quality 4K ultra HD camera and professional 4K 25fps and 1080P 30fps functions, you can take incredible photos and ultra high-definition videos, clearly recording the beautiful moments in your life!【Wifi Function】 This sports camera has a 2.4G wireless real-time remote control function, equipped with a 10-meter remote control all-round remote control bracelet. By connecting to the APP, you can control your phone at any time and place. Share and edit videos and images easily and freely at the same time.【Longer Working Time】The action camera comes with a 900mAh removable rechargeable battery that can be easily replaced. The longest continuous recording time is up to 100 minutes/1080P, which can bring you continuous video/photo shooting enjoyment and ensure that you will not miss every wonderful moment.【Multiple Modes】This bike camera has a variety of industry-leading features including digital video recording, photo shooting, audio recording, and video display. The photo modes include Single / Camera Timer (3s / 5s / 10s / the 20s) / Continuous Shooting etc. Choose the shooting mode you need depending on the different scenes and get the effect you want.【Full sets of camera accessories are attached】 Comes with a set of over 20 camera accessories that are compatible with a Go Pro camera. These accessories are easy to assemble on different camera mounts such as helmets, bicycles, or motorcycles to meet different needs.【Widely applicable】Multiple modes of horizontal and vertical shooting, front and back shooting,this underwater camera is suitable for various scenes and meeting different outdoor sports needs, such as surfing, diving, paragliding, skiing, rock climbing, motorcycle riding, driving records ice skating, etc.

2024-05-15 02:22:34

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