해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HOMCOM Baker's Rack with Power Outlet and LED Lights, Bakers Racks for Kitchens with Storage, Industrial Microwave Stand with Glass Holders, Metal Basket, Multiple Shelves, Gray

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상품가격 $109.99
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Dazzling Lights: Our coffee bar features removable RGB LED light strips controlled via remote. Choose your colors and indulge in the enchanting allure of four dazzling modes: flash, strobe, fade, and smooth. Elevate your space and showcase your tableware with mesmerizing ambiance.Charging Station: Our microwave stand with storage features 2 AC outlets and 2 USB ports for your coffee maker, ice maker, and phone. With a 6.6\' electrical cord, you can easily access power without being limited to a corner outlet.Space Superhero: Say goodbye to clutter. Our kitchen storage rack features a wide countertop for the microwave oven, multiple shelves (including a 2-level adjustable shelf), 3-row glass holders for up to 9 wine glasses, and a metal basket for your cookware and spice bottles.Quality Build: Our kitchen baker\'s rack is crafted of a solid steel frame and melamine-coated particleboard for sturdiness and easy cleaning. The adjustable foot pads keep our kitchen shelves stable and protect your floor from scratches.Baker\'s Racks for Kitchen Info: Overall Dimensions: 35.4" L x 16.5" W x 53.7" H. Weight Capacity: 220 lbs. (Total), 22 lbs. (Top), 11 lbs. (Shelf). Assembly required.

2024-06-04 01:58:44

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