해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MageGee 98 Keys Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Red Switch, 96% Compact Layout LED Yellow Backlit Wired Keyboard with Numpad Arrow Keys, for PC Laptop, for Game and Office, White (Renewed)

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상품가격 $32.63
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Compact 96% Unique Layout: compared to 104 key keyboard, it not only retains separate arrow keys and number keys operation area, leave more desktop space, make the perfect combination of compactness and functionality while suitable for your usage habits.Energetic Charming LED Yellow Backlit: have customize multiple illuminated light effects with static and dynamic, supports about 16 kinds backlight modes, provide you a cool lighting atmosphere, press Fn + Ins key to switch light effect, Fn + ↑↓ ← → control backlight brightness and speed.Red Switches Mechanical Keyboard: feature is a linear and smooth typing experience, from top to bottom with soft feedback make keystrokes easier, button sound is quiet, the resistance is small, the responds fast with no lag.Practical Beautiful High Quality: all 98 keys are no conflict, it have sturdy metal panel, white yellow mash up stylish design, come with extra 16 yellow keycaps, ergonomic hign low suspension double-color injection keycap and adjustable double kickstand feet.Extensive Compatibility: plugged into the usb cable and ready to use, full compatibility for Windows and Mac, Desktops, also supports Android, Linux, PC, iOS, and more, plug and play, no drivers or software required.

2024-09-05 12:55:07

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