해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Coffee Grinder, Electric Coffee Grinder, Quite Spice Grinder with 150W Powerful Motor and 2.1oz Capacity, Coffee Grinder Mill for Beans, Spices, Nuts, Grians, Herbs

상품번호 B0CXXS85FZ
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: Betterlee
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $12.99
상품가격 상세보기

????????? ??? ????????? ???????: This multi-functional coffee grinder equipped with 150W full copper motor, the service life is 3 times longer than regular motors. With 304 food-grade double stainless steel blades, this coffee spice grinder can quickly grind up to 2.1oz./60g coffee beans in 5-30 seconds. Not just for grinding coffee beans, our practical grinder is also suitable fot other dry ingredients, such as pepper, spices, grains, nuts, rice, rock candy and more.???? ?? ???: Touch switch with ergonomic design, you can use the spices grinder aligns two points, easy to use with one touch. (Press the control button, the grinding starts. Release the button, the grinding stops.) Besides,the grain grinder comes with visual lid, you can check the status of the food at any time.???? ?? ?????: This espresso grinder comes with cleaning brush, you can use it to use to clean the stainless steel cup easily. Or you can use wet clothes to wipe it. (Host Machine can not immerse in water.)???? ???? ???? & ??????? ?????: The coffe bean grinder can quickly grind dry ingredients in 5-30S according to your need and let you enjoy the rich aroma and fresh flavor in a moment. With compact size, this electric spice grinder takes up minimum counter space and can be easily stored in cupboards and drawers.???? ?? ??? & ???????? ??????? ?????????: Your safety is our top priority.Quite coffee grinder with heat dissipation vent, which dissipates motor heat and extends service life.(Note: Do not operate the appliance continuously for more than 30 seconds at a time.) 4 Non-slip silicon pads can keep balance when the coffee is working.

2024-10-02 18:07:31

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