해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Amazing Coach Tote Bag, Canvas Tote Bag for Women, Shoulder Beach Bag, Thank You Gift for Female Coach, Coach Gifts for Women, Travel Bag Gifts for Coach, Canvas Tote Bag With Zipper, Makeup Bag

상품번호 B0CY27WHJ9
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
브랜드 Brand: SUSZDOU
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $17.94
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CanvasLarge Capacity: Initial tote bag is 17x 12.6 x 7.9inch, makeup bag is 9x 7 inch. The large capacity of the tote bag is enough to hold your everyday items, including your clothes, water bottles, snacks, laptop, towels, etc. The makeup bag can hold your powder, makeup brush, eyeshadow, lipstick and more.Ready to Gift: It is suitable for giving her as a gift on any occasion, such as Mother’s Day, Birthday, Teachers Day, Wedding, Anniversary, Christmas, Retirement, Weekend travel, Holidays, Parties. And also can be as thank you gift for your friends, mother, hostess, or bridesmaids for their love and support in your life.Convenient Design : Tote bag have a top zipper to ensure safe and secure carry-on without worrying about dropping items. The beach bag has an interior pocket to store other small items such as phone, lipstick, cards, key, etc. This beach tote comes with a detachable and adjustable strap that allows you to use it as a cross body bag or shoulder bag.Multi Function: The canvas tote can be used for hand-holding or carrying on the shoulder. It is perfect for shopping, groceries, travel, storage, beach, and church events, gifts, weddings, parties, promotional giveaways.Hand Wash & Reusable: Our beach tote bag for women is made of heavy duty 100% natural cotton and has moisture resistant inner coating. This gift tote is suitable for hand washing, not machine washing. These reusable tote bags also can be used as grocery shopping bags, reduce the impact on the environment.
Dimensions: Initial Tote Bag 17 x 12.6 x 7.9 inch, makeup bag - 9x 7 inch. Material: The Tote Bag is made of natural cotton canvas, heavy duty and waterproof; with emotional text and beautiful graphics. This uniquely designed gift is a great gift for women, mother, teacher, wife, daughter, sister and friends on most occasions, such as Birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother\'s Day, Father\'s Day, New Year, Valentine\'s Day, Wedding, Anniversary etc.

2025-01-07 17:22:27

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