해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WonderfulLife Scotch Whisky Neon Sign for Johnnie Walker in Bar Pub Man Cave,Bright Orange and White Led Light Suitable for Garage Decor or Business Display,5V USB Powered Easy Hanging.

상품번호 B0CY2G1S5B
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상품가격 $59.99
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【Size & Package】The size of this neon sign is:41*29.7cm(16*11.7nches).The package include:1*sign,1*hanging chain.【Special Design】WonderfulLife johnnie whisky neon sign light up your space,the gentleman walking sign with soft light offers a relaxed romantic ambiance,Let you relax and decompress, make your party artistically.Great gifts to family and friends.【Easy to Use】Two Pre-drilled holes on the high-quality clear backplate for easy hanging (included hanging chain )The 150 cm (60 inches) long USB wire with an on/off switch, which is easy to use.【Safety & Premium】We are a professional manufacturer of custom neon signs with more than ten years experience,They are made of polystyrene, safe and durable, no noise, no heat, and no risks of glass breakage,50,000 hours expected life. LED neon light is designed with 5V low voltageand are energy-saving.【Shopping Security】 We offer a one-year warranty and a 30 day no reason refund. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to satisfy you.
About us We are a neon lamp factory with rich experience for more than ten years. We have excellent designers. Our products are sold all over the world. Our neon lamps are made of the latest materials, which are silky and different from other neon lamps. We provide good services and can customize any personalized neon lamps you want. Specification: Color:Pink Material: Neon strip + Plastic Product size:16*12inches Wire length:60inches Features: Unique 3D design, to make vivid neon signs. Added life to your party Great Gifts Choice personalized neon signs.

2024-07-10 17:14:17

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