해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TST Electric Bike for Adults, with 750-1100 W(Peak) Motor, Speed Can Reach 25-28 mph, 36V Battery, Max Travel 40-60 Miles, Equipped with 26 * 1.95" Tyres, and 7-Speed Ebike

상품번호 B0CY2J5RBY
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상품가격 $429.99
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【Peak 500W Powerful Motor connected Speed Sensor with Pedal, Smart App Control】The electric bike for adults is equipped with a 350W high-speed brushless motor, and the peak power can reach 500W. The powerful motor connected Speed Sensor with Pedal, Smart App Control,can reach speeds of up to 25MPH and supports riders weighing up to 300 pounds. The 26-inch pneumatic tires can adapt to various complex road conditions and make your riding more comfortable【4 Ridding Modes with Smart App Control】Pure Electric Mode: You can ride with pure electric assistance. Pedal Assist Mode: The motor will assist you with partial power. Pedal mode: pedal normally like a normal bicycle. Booster Mode: The bike will travel at 3-4MPH, suitable for very steep hills. all above Modes could be control by App【Removable Large Battery Built in】Large capacity 36V 360WH lithium battery Built In with Key provides long life, waterproof and anti-theft for e bike. It has a range of 40 miles per charge in 5 hours. Meet your needs for short trips or daily commuting. The removable battery makes charging more convenient whether you are at home or in the office【LED Screen】Ebike is equipped with an LED display, which provides more powerful data support. You can see clear power status, odometer, speed, gear and other basic data. You can also turn on the headlights manually to ensure safe riding at night【Reliable Customer Service】The electric bicycle for adults is equipped with installation tools and installation instructions, you can easily install it by following the process. And the electric scooter provides 6-month quality warranty service. If you encounter any quality problems, please feel free to contact our customer service

2025-01-11 13:57:26

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