해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Fpro Soccer Training Mat,Soccer Training Mat,Soccer Mat Training,Fpro Ball Mastery Mat Soccer Training Foot Skills,Fpro Soccer Footwork Training Mat,Fpro Ball Mastery Mat And Training Program Soccer.

상품번호 B0CY2R1FTL
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Exercise & Fitness
브랜드 Brand: Cslica
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $31.99
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【Durable and Easy to Use】Crafted from high-quality rubber materials, soccer training equipment is built to withstand rigorous training sessions while providing a comfortable and silent surface for practicing footwork. Experience the ultimate training companion with a bedroom football footstep training mat.【Enhance Foot Arch Control】 The non-slip Football Footstep Training Mat is specially designed to improve foot arch control, enabling players to master lateral ball movements for enhanced dribbling skills and superior ball control.【Perfect for L-shape Training】 The L-shaped design of the soccer training mat is ideal for practicing quick directional changes on the field, helping players enhance speed, agility, and overall performance during gameplay.【Improve Horizontal Ball Control】 With the ability to alternate between the inner and outer insteps, the football footstep training mat assists players in refining their horizontal ball control skills, boosting confidence and efficiency on the field.【Versatile Training Tool】 This non-slip shock-absorbing soccer training mat is perfect for a variety of football footstep training exercises, including back-stepping ball training, making it an essential accessory for soccer enthusiasts of all levels.

2024-06-03 15:30:02

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