해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HP ProDesk 600 G3 SFF Desktop Computer with 21.5"" FHD Monitor, Intel Quad Core i5-6500, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, Type-C, DisplayPort, Keyboard & Mouse, WiFi, BT, Windows 10 Pro (Renewed), Black

상품번호 B0CY4Y22HS
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상품가격 $156.24
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【Multifunction Computer】This HP ProDesk 600 G3 SFF Desktop Computer monitor bundle equipped with Intel HD Graphics 530; 6th Gen Intel Core i5-6500 (base frequency 3.2 GHz, 4 Cores, up to 3.6 GHz) - reliable and stable performance, allows multiple tasks to be performed smoothly at the same time.【Storage & Memory】16GB DDR4 RAM features low power consumption, high operating efficiency, and multi-channel transfers; 256GB Solid State Drive with powerful storage for fast startup, secure data transfer and storage.【PC Monitor】21.5" FHD (1920 x 1080) LCD Screen - the 16:9 aspect ratio and FHD screen provide you with a comfortable, detailed display frame that will give you an immersive experience.【Ports】USB 2.0, USB 3.1, USB Type-C, Display port, RJ-45, Audio jack.【Operating System】Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit – multi-language supports English/Spanish/French, feature-rich and compatible with a wide range of software and peripherals to get the job done quickly with high performance.
HP ProDesk 600G3 Small Form Factor Desktop Computer: Designed for High-Quality Multitasking Perfect Home or office PC: Built for professional grade multitasking, high-speed web browsing, and multimedia applications like streaming, or even lightweight editing. Compatible with Todays Most Popular Productivity Tools! This professional grade multitasking computer is compatible with all of todays most popular productivity software, like Office 365, Adobe, Docs, Sheets, Intuit Quickbooks, Netsuite, Audacity, Basecamp, Zoom, Cisco, Teams, and much more! This Home / Office Computer Hardware Includes: CPU: Intel Quad-Core i5 6500 GPU: Intel HD 630 RAM: 16GB DDR4 Primary Storage: 256GB Solid State Secondary Storage: Available Network: USB WiFi + Bluetooth BUY and OWN WITH CONFIDENCE Renewed and modernized by the #1 Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher, this HP 600G3 Small Desktop Computer PC is guaranteed to perform like-new! MICROSOFT AUTHORIZED REFURBISHED Your Small Desktop computer comes with a digitally rendered Windows 10 Professional 64 Bit installed on the PC for a secure and convenient setup process. Every computer from us is professionally renewed through a set of globally recognized and top-tier production processes, and robust stress testing.

2025-01-09 17:51:50

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