해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Easy Setup 4 Season Portable Inflatable Glamping Tent, 2-4 Persons Waterproof Windproof Ultraviolet-Proof Outdoor Self-Supporting Air Tent with Pump(Gold Quicksand Color 1)

상품번호 B0CY892YRK
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Outdoor Recreation
브랜드 Brand: zarfand
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $199.99
상품가격 상세보기

【Easy Setup Tents for Camping】The Zarfand All-in-one tent inflatable camping tent has an inflatable self-supporting structure, which comes with a manual hand pump to allow you to inflate the tent during 1 minutes. Everybody can completely assemble the tent easily.【Oxford Camping Tent】Made of 210DO Silver-coated Oxford fabric,its impressive waterproof rating of PU2000MM, and its effective UV protection make it a reliable and robust choice for outdoor adventures. Perfect for outdoor camping.【Stable and Windproof Design】The All-in-one TPU air columns equipped with ropes and ground splike provide excellent wind resistance, the one-piece tent design optimizes your outdoor experience.【Spacious for 2-4 Person House Tent】The inflation size is 7.2*7.2*5.57FT, Tent inside dimensions:6.6*6.6*5.57FT,it accommodates 2-4 people,suitable for all seasons. It is also spacious enough to fit inflatable beds, small tables, and other belongings , Great for camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, backpacking, and beach activities.【Unique Design】 The design of the mesh windows enhances ventilation, while the double-layered tent door prevents insects from entering, ensuring a safer environment. The glamping tent is also equipped with storage pockets inside, allowing for convenient storage of small items.

2024-10-01 06:31:12

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