해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Drop Foot Brace with Dual-Knob Adjust Dorsiflexion AFO Foot Drop Brace for Walking with Shoes Fit Left or Right Foot

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상품가격 $49.99
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UNBEATABLE FOOT SUPPORT: JOMECA Drop foot brace with double-knob adjust dorsiflexion angle and pulling force individually for foot drop condition caused by post-stroke foot drop, muscular dystrophy, peroneal palsy, multiple sclerosis, other neuromuscular deficits, neurological disorders, etc.COMPLETELY ORIGINAL: double-knob adjustment drop foot brace for walking, allowing adjust the tension and dorsiflexion on both sides of the foot according to personal needs to gain equilibrium of lower limb. Providing precise dorsiflexion angle, desired pulling strength, and one-hand adjustment easy to adjust anytime.HIGH PERFORMANCE DESIGN: Unlike a soft afo drop foot brace, it is not easy to shift. Exterior hard shell design cleverly solves the problem of slipping when walking with the brace on, and cotton padding as liner for comfort when wearing the brace. Suitable for daily use on the go.DROP-FOOT WALKING AID: JOMECA afo foot drop brace continues to use the powerful regulation system of knobs and rubber-coated steel wire. Different tensions on both sides are available at the same time to better meet individual needs with dual-knob in drop foot brace for walking with shoes.24/7 at Your Service: JOMECA AFO drop foot brace, powered by double-knob with steel wire construction, keeps your foot balance and efficiently improves gait, reducing feet touching the ground when walking, making it safer. Suitable for left and right feet. Buy with confidence! If you have any dissatisfaction with JOMECA drop foot brace, please feel free to contact us, we will surely give you satisfactory service.

2024-05-16 23:50:20

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