해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Nasal Aspirator for Baby,Electric Nose Suction for Baby Nose Sucker ,Rechargeable Nose Cleaner for Toddler with 5 Suction Levels,Waterproof Nose Aspirator with Music Light Function, Blue

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브랜드 Brand: Okimos
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상품가격 $14.99
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Safe and Strong Suction,This nose sucker for baby uses unique airflow technology to enhance suction power, making it easy and effective to clear fluid or dry mucus instantly. A must-have for a baby registry.The baby nasal aspirator comes with 3 food grade silicone tips, and the soft material ensures that the baby nose aspirator is gentle on the sensitive inner surface of the baby\'s nose.Baby essentials.Waterproof Nose Cleaner for Baby,The mucus collection cup of the baby nose picker is removable and can be cleaned with warm soapy water. The collection cup has an anti reflux structure, which prevents the inhaled nasal mucus from flowing back into the machine.This electric nasal aspirator for babies has rigorously tested to meet IPX7 waterproof standards and can be rinsed with tap water to clean it.Baby Registry Search.Low Noise & Music,The nose aspirator for babies is equipped with built-in upgraded low noise motor,babies will not be afraid or resistant, easy to suck the booger.And the booger sucker for baby is with light and music soothing function to attract the baby\'s attention and effectively relieve the baby\'s resistance.Baby essentials must haves newborn stuff.Long Battery Life and USB Rechargeable,The rechargeable baby nose cleaner can be used for 25 times after being fully charged.It takes about 2.5 hours to fully charge.This lightweight nose sucker for toddlers comes with a storage box, allowing you to pack the aspirator and tips at any time or take it out anywhere.Baby must haves for newborns.5 Modes of Adjustable Suction,The infant nose sucker provides 5 modes of suction that can be adjusted,according to the actual situation of the baby,suck out nasal mucus gently and quickly.For stubborn nasal booger and mucus, first soften it with saline nasal spray, and then wait about 30 seconds to suck it away.Baby care Products.

2024-05-17 02:28:59

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