해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LAUNCH X431 PRO3 V+ 5.0 Elite 2025 Upgraded Bidirectional Scan Tool, OEM Topology Map, Scan HD Trucks, AutoAuth for FCA SGW, ECU Coding, 55+ Services, All System Diagnose, 2-Year Free Update, CAN FD

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상품가격 $929.00
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【2025 Newly Released Version 5.0 with More Advanced Functions】 ✔LAUNCH X431 PRO3 V+ 5.0 features OEM topology mapping which systematically show the communication structure between the modules; ✔2025 newly version adds CAN FD connector, which can diagnose more new vehicles from GM; ✔It supports programmable module installation, which is compatible with Ford /Lincoln/ Mazda etc.; ✔24V HD trucks can be diagnosed by it with X431 HD module. X431 V+ 5.0 outperforms most bidirectional scan tools.【ECU Coding】 LAUNCH X431 PRO3 (V+ 5.0) supports ECU online coding for BMW/VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat, and offline coding, Customization/Personalization. ECU coding means coding the retrofitted components after replacing new ECUs. This function can also change the settings of the car software,disable annoying settings like seat belt chime, and personalize car settings like folding rearview mirror. Guided function works for VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat, providing OE-level instructions for simplified diagnoses.【55+ Maintenance Services】LAUNCH X431 PRO3 (V+ 5.0) diagnostic scanner can perform: Oil/SAS/EPB/TPMS/BMS/ETS/Gear/Brake/AFS/Gearbox/Sunroof/SUS/AFS headlamp reset and more initialization/matching/calibration. With scheduled procedures and smooth logical workflow to make maintenance a breeze in the workshop. You can even get 100+ advanced maintenance functions under the "Diagnoses"-"Car Model"-"System"-"Special Functions".【Bidirectional Control (Active Test)】You can use the LAUNCH X431 PRO3 V+ 5.0 bidirectional scan tool to quickly troubleshoot the vehicles by sending commands to many systems/components to test their working status, without using the vehicle controls. It all set to top-notch standards for automotive experts, home mechanics and workshops.【Upgraded DBSCar VII Connector】 The new version 5.0 of the LAUNCH X431 PRO3 (V+ 5.0) has a fresh hardware upgrade, especially for the connector. The new DBSCar VII connector supports CAN FD protocol, which covers more vehicle models. This 10.1-inch advanced diagnostic tool based on Android 10.0 system, using a 2.0Ghz 4-core high-efficiency processor, 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM large storage, and is equipped with a high-endurance battery. It runs faster, more stably and lasts longer.【FCA AutoAuth & 200000+ Cars Coverage】 This full system diagnostic scanner can perform OE-level diagnosis and analysis on all available systems for more than 200+ brands (200,000+ models in American, Asian, European, 1984-2025). No-IP limitation. Compatible with cars/trucks/buses/trailers/pick-up,etc. This scan tool supports AutoAuth for FCA SGW, working on 2017 and later Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, etc.【Supports Extension Modules】 LAUNCH X431 PRO3 V+ 5.0 automotive scanner supports extended modules (SOLD SEPARATELY): ➤ADAS device--ADAS PRO/MOBILE➤TPMS tool--X431 TSGUN; ➤Bluetooth battery tester--BST360; ➤Video Scope--VSP600; ➤X-431 WiFi Printer, making the diagnostic function more powerful. ?Other critical features: AutoVIN & AutoScan, diagnostic report, remote diagnoses, vehicle coverage search.【Buy with Confidence: 100% Original】 This launch scanner X431 PRO3 V+ 5.0 comes with ?5 years warranty & 2 years free WiFi upgrade; ?For any problems with booting, charging, APP registration, please feel free to contact us via ?aftersale-launchdirect@outlook.com or send us your Diagnostic Report, we will help to analyze your cars\' problems. But, don\'t contact LAUNCH TECH USA, they are another dealer.

2025-02-05 18:03:46

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