해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hip-Hugger Underwear, Holds up to 100ml or 6tbps or 1/4 Cup Worth of Liquid, Light Absorbency Incontinence Underwear for Women, FSA HSA Approved Feminine Care, Black, S

상품번호 B0CYM62J3H
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상품구분 Health & Household / Health Care
브랜드 Visit the Thinx For All Leaks Store
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상품가격 $37.00
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Incontinence Underwear: Thinx For All Leaks, formerly known as Speax, brings you their incontinence hip huggers. These Thinx bladder leak underwear for women are washable and reusable, making them your ideal postpartum essentialsHelps Protect from Leaks: Thinx For All Leaks\' adult incontinence underwear helps provide dependable and long-lasting protection against bladder leaks during postpartum, holding up to 100ml or 6tbps or 1/4 cup worth of liquidFeel Fresh & Dry: The moisture-wicking top layer of these women\'s incontinence underwear helps draw away the wetness while the comfy, flexible fabric looks and feels like regular underwear, helping you feel/stay comfortableMinimize Odor & Light Absorbency: Thinx incontinence underwear for women with odor-control technology to help minimize odors to keep you feeling fresh. Plus, it\'s not made with PFASWe\'re Thinx Inc., better known as our family of brands, Thinx, Thinx Teens, and Thinx for All Leaks. Our vision is a healthy world through sustainable solutions to menstruation and incontinence. Since 2013, we\'ve been on a mission to be an innovative leader at creating comfortable and inclusive products for all life\'s leaks, while sparking conversation and building community along the way

2024-10-03 00:47:30

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