해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Leaf Collection System for All Major Leaf Vacuums/Blowers Leaf Collector with Universal Adaptor, 8FT Hose and Mesh Hood

상품상태 New    
상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Outdoor Power Tools
브랜드 Brand: Houseluxe
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $39.99
상품가격 상세보기

ONE-STEP TO PICKUP & COLLECT: hook this leaf vacuum system up to most cordless leaf blower/vac and dumps the entire yard’s leaves into a 32-96 gallon waste can just in one time, streamlining the operation with no-touch dirt handlingWIDE COMPATIBILITY: Fit all major brand of 3-in-1 leaf blower/vacuum/mulcher with the universal fit adapter. Cordless leaf blower/vac system works well with both gas & electric machineLONG REACH HOSE: Flexible 8 FT hose expands for 16 feet of reach, allowing you to pick up leaves further away from the trash can. The lightweight design makes it easy to drag the leaf collector anywhereSECURE SEAL: Cinch-tight mesh collection hood seals securely with your trash can, guides fallen leaves right straight in without leakage, forming a solid barrier for excellent suction powerFASTER WORKING, EASIER CLEANING: Try this simplified and high-capacity leaf collecting way, stop repeatedly emptying or replacing the small cordless leaf blower’s bag. The Reinforced hose and sturdy hood are built to last through seasons of use without cracking or breaking from blows and bendsWHAT’S INCLUDED: leaf collection system includes durable mesh hood x1, industrial-strength hose x1, and universal fit adapter (adjustable diameter up to 5 in.) x1Please note: Be sure NOT compatible with blower/vac models that require a special TRIVAC adapter (e.g., Worx WG512/WG513/WG514), TURBINE Fusion Models (eg.WG510) and have a connection part diameter over 5 in. We are happy to assist you with any incompatibility issue

2024-11-27 16:23:38

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