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Google Pixel 8a - Unlocked Android Phone with Google AI, Advanced Pixel Camera and 24-Hour Battery - Aloe - 128 GB

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상품가격 $499.00
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Meet Google Pixel 8a, the Google AI phone; with the incredible Pixel Camera and top-rated security features to help protect your data[1]Unlocked Android 5G smartphone gives you the flexibility to change carriers and choose your own data plan[2]; it works with Google Fi, Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, and other major carriersThe Pixel Camera gives you amazing photo and video quality; Google AI helps you create perfect group shots with Best Take and fix blurry images with Photo Unblur[3]The 6.1-inch Pixel 8a Actua display is even brighter and more vibrant; it’s fast and responsive for smoother scrolling, video streaming, and switching between apps on your phone[4]Google AI helps with everyday tasks; search anything right from the app you’re in, just by drawing a circle around an image, text, or video[5]; get a summary of emails and brainstorm ideas with Gemini[6]; and avoid spammers with Call Assist[7]Google Pixel’s Adaptive Battery can last over 24 hours[8]; turn on Extreme Battery Saver and it can last up to 72 hours, so your phone has power when you need it most[8]With IP67 protection and the most durable A-Series design yet, Pixel 8a can handle slips, spills, and dust[9]; it has a scratch-resistant display with Corning Gorilla Glass 3With powerful security features, your Pixel phone helps keep your info safe; Google Tensor G3, VPN by Google, and the Titan M2 security chip give your Pixel multiple layers of security[10]Switching to Pixel is easy; just connect your old phone to your new Pixel and transfer contacts, photos, messages, apps, and more in about 30 minutes[11]Please refer to the Legal section below for all applicable legal disclaimers denoted by the bracketed numbers in the preceding bullet points
Meet Pixel 8a. It’s engineered by Google with powerful security and the incredible Pixel Camera. With Google AI, you can do more, even easier – like fix photos, screen calls, and get answers.[7] And it has an all-day battery, so you have power when you need it most.[8] All at a great price.

2024-05-16 12:27:06

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