해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KitchenTour Electric Coffee Bean Grinder with 30g/6 Cup Capacity, Spice Grinder with 150W, Herb Grinder with 304 Stainless Steel Blades for Kitchen Home Food Nut Pour Over - Blue

상품번호 B0CYSS5TG2
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상품가격 $22.99
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Ultimate Simplicity in an All-in-One Electric Grinder: Experience unmatched convenience with our electric coffee grinder, a compact solution without the hassle of assembly or excess accessories. Equipped with a 150W powerful motor for 110V operation, this coffee and spice grinder efficiently processes up to 30g of beans in seconds, ensuring precision and uniformity in every grind. It’s the perfect tool for those seeking efficiency and quality in their grinding tasks.Intuitive Operation with Enhanced Safety Features: Our electric herb and coffee grinder revolutionizes grinding with an innovative hidden button design, incorporating child lock and anti-accidental touch features for utmost safety and ease. The unique press-to-activate mechanism of this spice grinder ensures effortless control and strong tactile feedback, enhancing safety for families while providing precision in grinding.Durably Crafted for Precision Grinding: Built to last, our electric grinder features a matte stainless steel exterior and a 304 food-grade stainless steel chamber, complemented by a high-quality motor and alloy blades for superior performance.Versatile Grinding with Precise Control: This electric grinder serves as an all-purpose solution for coffee beans, flax seeds, herbs, spices, and even pills. Perfect for specialized uses like grinding cannabis, it offers unmatched versatility. Simple press-to-start functionality allows for easy operation and precise control over the grind\'s coarseness, making it an essential tool for every kitchen.Coffee Aficionados’ Dream Grinder: Optimized for all coffee preparation methods, our grinder excels with pour-over, semi-automatic machines, French presses, moka pots, and cold brews. Designed to provide the ideal grind from ultra-fine to coarse, this coffee grinder ensures the best possible flavor extraction, making it a must-have for exploring the vast world of coffee tastes.

2024-10-02 18:10:56

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