해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AICHESON Gaming Laptop Cooling Pad with Powerful Turbofan, RGB Cooler with External Variable Speed Fan, 4 USB Ports HUB, Seal Memory Foam Stand for 15.6-18 inch Laptops

상품번호 B0CYSZ14WF
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상품가격 $69.97
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Ultimate Cooling Performance: Experience rapid cooling for intense gaming sessions with our 140mm large-diameter turbofan and sealed foam design, 72.8MmH2O airflow pressure. ensuring 360-degree surrounding cooling without air leakageInfinitely Variable Speed: Structured with 5.5 inch external turbo fan, the laptop cooling stand adjusts fan speed from 600 to 2800 RPM to meet your cooling needs in various scenarios, from office work to intense gaming sessionsCustomizable RGB Lighting: Our laptop fan enhances your gaming setup with 10 RGB light modes, controlled via an intuitive LCD display for personalized gaming ambianceVersatile Connectivity: The gaming laptop cooling pad is equipped with 1 USB-C port and 4 USB-A ports, providing connectivity for your laptop and external devices while offering exclusive power supply for efficient coolingUniversal Compatibility: Compatible with gaming laptops ranging from 15.6 to 18 inches, this computer fan is ideal for gamers, graphic designers, and video editors seeking reliable cooling solutions

2024-07-11 21:19:11

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