해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Saintda Moissanite Earrings for Women Gold/Ruthenium Vermeil 925 Sterling Silver 0.5-2ct D Color VVS1 FL Clarity Excellent Round Cut Lab Grown Diamond Stud Earrings Women Girls Jewelry Gifts

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상품가격 10k to $1k. With the economy we have there is no sense in buying real, over in flatted diamonds other than for clout. These are just as beautiful as the real deal!
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Introducing Exceptional Brilliance Introducing Saintda\'s Moissanite Stud Earrings – where exceptional brilliance meets timeless elegance. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these earrings feature exquisite round-cut moissanite gemstones renowned for their mesmerizing fire and unparalleled sparkle. Unparalleled Gemstone Quality Boasting a coveted D color grade and flawless clarity, each stone radiates pure luminosity, emulating the finest quality diamonds. The precision-cut "Eight Hearts and Eight Arrows" pattern amplifies their brilliance, creating a breathtaking play of light from every angle. Luxurious Precious Metal Setting Cradling these celestial treasures is a precious metal setting of your choice – 925 sterling silver plated with luxurious 14K white gold or 14K yellow gold. The timeless four-prong design not only secures the gemstone but also enhances its radiance, ensuring these earrings will never go out of style. Durable and Hypoallergenic Design Crafted with exceptional durability, these earrings are built to withstand the test of time. Their hypoallergenic properties make them gentle on sensitive ears, allowing you to wear them with comfort and confidence. Versatile and Precious Gift Versatile and suitable for any occasion, Saintda\'s Moissanite Stud Earrings are the perfect accessory to elevate your style. Celebrate life\'s precious moments with a gift that truly dazzles, presented in an exquisite box to create cherished memories.

2024-11-27 04:45:37

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