해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Saneen Digital Camera, 8k Cameras for Photography, 64MP WiFi Touch Screen Vlogging Camera with Flash, 32GB SD Card, Lens Hood,3000mAH Battery, Front and Rear Cameras,Hot Shoe Interface Beginner

상품번호 B0CYT3V8Z3
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상품가격 $169.99
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8K & 64MP digital cameras for photography: Multiple video and photo sizes are up to you - video resolution:8 K/6 K/5 K/4.7 K/4 K /2.7 K /1080 P/720 P; photo pixel:64 M/56 M/48 M/30 M/24 M/20 M/12 M/8 M4-inch Touch Screen Big Display:The 4" Big Screen provides a vibrant display for easy viewing and navigation while the touch screen interface ensures seamless operation. This camera is perfect for all your creative needsWiFi & HDMI Output Function : Saneen WiFi camera makes you can share the photos and videos online with mobile phones instantly. This camcorder supports TV output and can be connected to TV to share your video with familyFront and Rear Dual Camera Setup:Equipped with front and rear cameras, this camera makes it easier for selfie-taking or live streaming. And it works better as a webcam. This camera is perfect for all your creative needsWhat You Get: Bundle Items Include:Digital Camera x 1; 3000mAH Lithium Battery x1; USB cable x1; User Manual x1;32GB SD card x1,Camera Strap x1,Lens Hood x1. We provide 12 months warranty, 30 days no reason to returnThere are very important points about external microphones that need attention: 1. The external microphone needs its own power supply, the camera cannot power the microphoneThere are very important points about external microphones that need attention: 2. The external microphone must be a dual-channel microphone with a 3.5mm connector

2024-09-05 21:06:37

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