해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
5X Faster Tire Inflator Portable Air Compressor-150PSI & 7800mAh EVE Battery Air Pump, Cordless Air Pump for Car Tires with LCD Screen for Heavy Duty, Truck, Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle or Ball

상품번호 B0CYWZY644
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Tires & Wheels
브랜드 Brand: AUDEETO
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $59.20
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【5X Fast Air Compressor】Vehicle-customize rechargeable battery tire inflator portable air compressor (insert 25mm hybrid electric machine), output airflow 50L/Min continually, inflate Pickup and SUV tire (29-36 PSI) in 60s, 5x ultra faster than other similar product, supplement tire pressure in summer and winter when camping and picnicking, simultaneously save your time.【Ultra Fast 7800mAh Battery】This A1 air pump for car tires is equipped with 7800mAh super power Hybrid EVE battery(Global Battery Ranking No. 5), this High Density Energy Battery can work continuously for close to 1 hour(real time measurement) , which can refill three and a half tires for SUV, 4 tires for car. Portable cordless design is convenient to keep it in your car.【Multi-function Air Pump】Our portable air compressor has 5 inflation modes (bicycles, motorcycles, cars, balls and customized mode), for all terrain vehicle, caravans, trailer tire as well, and 4 preset units (PSI, KPA, BAR,KG/c㎡). Once reaching the preset pressure value, the portable air pump will automatically stop to ensure tire pressure monitoring system(TPMS) safety.【Hybrid Power Tire Inflator】This air compressor for car is equipped with an 20\'\' high-strength vehicle-grade nylon material air pressure hose, higher heat dissipation and toughness strength,insert cooling fan with 4 regions of special dissipation holes design, effectively extended life span.【Multi-functional 4 in 1 Device】The functions of this car tire air pump portable are Inflation, Power Bank, Flashlight, and Cigarette lighter port charging, 2 kinds of lights( LED, SOS) for the dark night and emergency situations, it can not only be used wirelessly but also use the car cord to inflate it when it has no power(with a DC cable).

2024-10-02 16:46:13

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