해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rquite Car Seat Cover Baby, Carseat Covers Baby for Girl Boy, Muslin Cotton Infant Car Seat Cover, Lightweight Car Seat Canopy, Breathable Baby Carrier Cover, Summer Stroller Sun Shade, Flower

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BREATHABLE COTTON MUSLIN: To prevent overheating and ensure proper ventilation, our baby car seat covers are made from breathable cotton muslin. The unique weaving fabric makes they are light enough to let air in, but heavy enough to block out wind and sun, great for summer and hot weather.360° FULL PROTECTION: Our car seat canopies provide 360° coverage, and protect your baby from sun, wind, summer heat, cool air from ac, and even curious strangers. Keeping the elements at bay with a light and airy protective layer between the world and your new little one.EASY TO USE: No snaps that may fall off or tear the fabric. No noisy zips either. Adjustable velcro straps secure the cover up on your baby car seat handle. Gives you full access to the handle for a firm grip. You don’t have to worry about it falling off and still easy to monitor your baby.UNIVERSAL LARGE SIZE: 47.2 inches L x 35.4 inches W, the muslin baby carrier covers are large enough to fit almost any baby car seats and strollers. Wash at low temperature, and the muslin fabric gets softer with every time.NEWBORN ESSENTIALS & BABY SHOWER GIFT: Premium fabric, bright color and beautiful print, definitely appreciated by new parents. It\'s the ideal gift for a new moms or baby, for a baby shower, or baby registry of a newborn.

2024-05-17 02:25:24

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